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Friday, 26 August 2016


“For God commended his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Jesus died for the ungodly”

1.   Is your love for your spouse based on feelings?   Yes    No
2.     Is your love for your spouse based on romance? Yes    No
3.     Does your spouse need to deserve your love for it to continue? Yes    No
4      Is your love for your spouse based on sex or physical intimacy? Yes    No
5      Is your love for your spouse based on the pleasure he or she gives you? Yes    No
6      If your spouse stops loving you today, will you also stop loving him or her? Yes    No
7       In one word describe what comes into your mind when you think of your spouse!
    Based on the six questions, for every yes score 10 and for every no score 5. If your total score is more than 30, then it is very likely that your relationship is based on infatuation and not true love. Any relationship based  on infatuation will encounter many hiccups.

The purpose of this test is primarily to show us where we stand in the scale of assessing if what we have for our spouse is true love from God’s perspective. The good news is that no matter what you score or where you stand you can change and begin to genuinely love your spouse because true love is a function of the will.
God chose to love us in spite of the fact that we do not deserve his love nor have we done anything to earn it. In fact we are totally unqualified to be loved by the omnipotent God. The second truth is that this love of God is both irreversible and unending. 

In the Bible whenever Israel did what was displeasing to God He dealt with them but His love never for one day abated. It is interesting to me that whenever God used another nation to chastise his people, He always ended up judging that nation.

True love is by choice; it is a commitment and it is continuous! Anything outside this cannot be true love; it could be infatuation, lust or romance but not true love.

If couples decide to base their love on the word of God and follow the principles set therein, their love for each other will never dissipate and breaking up will be completely non-existent.

Be blessed.



Tuesday, 9 August 2016


I have always wondered if there is any thing like a perfect marriage. Why is it that people who once professed love for each other and could not do without each other even for a second suddenly turn enemies and can no longer stand each other?

Have you ever thought that you married the wrong person after some unpleasant experience. If you have never thought so, I can confess that I have thought that way in the past. In fact my wife once regretted that she married me in the heat of a serious quarrel. However in spite of all we have gone through and will go through, we have decided to stick with each other for better for worse.

It is not just because God has blessed us with 5 children that we love so much and that becomes as it is for many people the reason why they endure their marriage but what has kept us going is the fact that we realize that marriage is an act of FAITH.

It takes faith to commit your entire life to a "stranger", someone you just met who is capable of pretending and hiding his or her true character. It takes faith to decide to share your private life with someone from a totally different background or environment, not knowing what exactly is in stock for you in the future. It takes faith to endure the character flaws of the other person believing that as you grow old together there will a blending of ideas and a positive change. In many instances these changes never happen and at the end regret and bitterness begins to set in.

In spite of all of these, faith enables you to look beyond your spouse and see the potentials in him or her and what he or she is capable of becoming with the help of God. Faith enables you to look at God as omnipotent enough to turn your marriage around.

The Bible says we walk by faith not by sight, therefore if marriage is an act of faith them we ought not to be moved by what we see in the physical but by what God has said about you.

Faith it is that has made me stick to my wife and I have begun to see the transformation in her. I am sure she has a similar testimony to give concerning me.

You marriage shall be blessed. Trust God!

