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Friday, 21 August 2015


Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3

Last time we looked at one principle that helps in the management of money in the home and that is the principle of agreeing the money earned by both partners belong to the family.

Today lets look at the second principle.

Principle 2 - Agreeing that money will never separate you.

This principle if understood in its pristine state is capable of cementing and solidifying the home. Once a couple gets to the point where they can disagree about money but have made a covenant that such a disagreement is to clarify issues rather than to separate them.

I have come to the opinion that though promiscuity is one important reason for many broken homes but the greatest challenge many homes will face are financial issues. The inability of financial plans and programs to be met and the pressure that comes with unrealized dreams and unpaid bills.

I know many couples who have separated because the man lost his job or there was a sudden financial crises. Women are naturally drawn to a life of comfort and deservedly so because the woman was created after the man had been given work to do. The woman was created to help the man manage the proceeds of his labor as it were.

How do you agree that money will not separate you? The first thing to do is to set a conflict resolution strategy for handling financial conflicts. Couples must learn to talk and resolve issues. It is my suggestion that it will be better not to talk about such issues in the heat of the moment but to chose a place where two of you can TALK ALONE. Going out to a place where two of you can relax and talk is a good suggestion in this regard.

The second suggestion which is not my preferred option by the way is to agree that the two of you will consult an independent arbiter such as a financial expert of your Pastor. This option is recommended when consensus cannot be reached by the two of you.

The relevance of agreeing that money will not separate you does not only comply with Jesus' proposition for what can separate two people but it allows the couple to talk about their views and clarify their doubts. This is important because many times we argue about things we imagine rather than what the reality really is.

We must also remember that we each have our own plans and projections and unless we come to the table and agree conflicts will naturally ensue.

More next time

God bless you.



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