Hi Friends! I want to start this by apologizing for going on another hiatus so soon. I must confess that 2016 is starting for me as a challenging year and right now there are so many issues on my mind that make creative thinking a burden.
The good news is that we begun a series on planning for the year and we have dealt with the issues of planning for your spiritual life and your finances. Next I will like to share some thoughts on planning for your health.
The Bible says in 3 John 2, "I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, as your soul prospers". Without any controversy, God expect us to be healthy. Notice that the scripture places the responsibility of staying healthy on our shoulders not God's. It is our responsibility to do all that is within our means to live healthy lives. I find a parallel to this principle in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 and repeatedly implied in 2 Corinthians 5:10 that we will be liable for what happens to our body. I do not know if this makes a profound effect on you as it did me to know that God will judge me amongst other things by what I did with my body.
I many of the letters of Paul to the existing churches in his days, he wrote profusely on the body. In fact he outlined one cardinal difference between Christianity and other religions and that is the fact that in Christianity we will inherit resurrected bodies. Other religions talk about the soul and give no prominence whatsoever to the body but in Christianity Paul seemed to emphasize the place of our body in our eternal destiny.
Sorry for the theological digression and back to what is on our plate just now - Living a healthy life. May I state once again that this is a non negotiable requirement for proper Christian living. Where do we begin from? Let talk about what we eat.
You will agree with me that you are a product of what you have been eating over the years. In fact the doctors will tell you that certain diseases are associated with our diet. Obesity that is being over weight is a function of how much calories you ingest per day.
Have you ever wondered why God in the laws of Moses was so concerned about what his people ingested that he prohibited many things from being eaten. Let us take Pork for example, I am told that it takes approximately 4 hours before a meal of Pork digests. Imagine. So apart from any religious considerations is it not clear from this scientific fact that pork is not desirable if you want to stay healthy?
More on this next time!
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