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Thursday, 29 January 2015


“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” Genesis 2:24 (NIV)

“And some of the Pharisees came up, and in order to test Him and try to find a weakness in Him asked, Is it lawful for a man to dismiss and repudiate and divorce his wife. He answered them, What did Moses command you? They replied, Moses allowed a man to write a bill of divorce and put her away. But Jesus said to them, Because of the hardness of heart (your condition of insensibility to the call of  God) he wrote you this precept in your law. But from the beginning of creation God made them male and female. For this reason a man shall leave (behind) his father and his mother and be joined to his wife and cleave closely to her permanently. And the two shall become one flesh, so that they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has united (joined together) let not man separate or divide. And indoors the disciples questioned Him again about this subject. And he said to them, Whoever dismisses (repudiates and divorces) his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. And if a woman dismisses (repudiates and divorces) her husband and marries another, she commits adultery." Mark 10:2- 12. (Amplified)

It was the late Dr. Miles Monroe who said “When purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable;" this to my mind is really the greatest problem of marriages. In this age of pluralism, things that were hitherto defined in a particular way have now been redefined to mean things that sometimes completely contradicts the original meaning.

The first thing to say about marriage is that many have come to see marriage as a CONTRACT rather than a COVENANT. It is important to make this distinction because this is the very foundation upon which the marriage union is built.
Can I say it loud and clear “Marriage is a COVENANT not a CONTRACT”.

What is a contract?
In very simple layman’s terms, a contract is an agreement between two or more parties stating in clear terms the obligations and responsibilities each parties will discharge in maintaining the agreement. If one party breaches the terms of the agreement, the other party is automatically absolved from any further obligations and responsibilities towards the agreement and such a party is free to exist that relationship. Furthermore in an agreement there is usually a tenure, a specific time frame under which the agreement is in effect after which the parties may or may not continue the relationship.

What is a covenant?
In contrast, a covenant is an agreement between one party (the stronger of the two parties)who proposes the terms of the agreement to another party (the weaker of the two) who accepts of rejects the offer. In the case of a covenant, the one who proposes the terms of the agreement cannot repudiate his obligations or responsibilities irrespective of what the other party does once the offer is accepted. In other words once a covenant is signed and sealed, there is no exit clause. It becomes an agreement for life.

Applying this to marriages, it is usually the man who is the stronger of the two that proposes to a woman and the woman is at liberty to either accept or reject the proposal. However, from God’s perspective once the proposal is made and accepted it becomes a covenant which can never be annulled or repudiated. The introduction of prenuptial contracts, divorce and multiple marriages or what David Pawson calls "Consecutive Polygamy" totally negates God's original design for marriage.

That is why before any man contemplates marriage it is advisable that he must have given serious thought to what he intends to go into because the purpose of marriage is a union for life.
To be continued!

Monday, 26 January 2015


Finally on Money
Once you have a stable finance, I tell you, it will contribute to you having a stable home. Once you and your wife do not fight over money in the house, what will be left? Just little things, which the two of you can easily resolve!

Do not say to yourself “after my wedding I will settle down and do this or that.” Go for whatever training you need to enhance your value. Marriage never “settles you down”; instead it “settles you up”. Is it when you have to wake up by 2.00 am to attend to a young baby crying that you will settle down? No! Dearest reader, marriage has its own pressures. It has its own peculiar problems.

“Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife and they shall become one flesh.”

So many couples are “one flesh” in all other aspects but not in monetary matters!

Joint Account

                           Let me talk about Joint Accounts. My wife and I opted for joint account and we have never regretted it. We have been practicing it for over 30 years now. Did we ever disagree over it? Yes. Did we settle our disagreement by ourselves? Yes. Has that made our marriage stronger? Yes.

If you love your wife, and she knows that you really love her, you can always convince her on anything. But if your wife is always disagreeing with you on so many issues then it is because there is something missing.  You just try and fix that missing thing and you will be surprised at how she will have a change of mind.

                           You could have a joint account and still maintain your personal accounts. What this means is that you would only contribute a certain agreed percentage of your income into your joint account which will be utilized on joint projects. You can adopt any of these measures. However, operating a joint account calls for maturity.

Running a joint account must not take away “pocket money” or personal expenses for both of you. You must allocate certain amount of money to yourself which you are free to spend without having to render any account to your spouse.

Do not spend above your income. Live within your means. Don’t imitate anybody because you don’t know the source of their income. Life is in stages and men are in sizes. Agree on how you will handle money. Agree that money will not separate you. Agree on investment. Agree that money is your servant. Agree that money will not dominate you. Agree to pay your tithe. Agree to be generous to God and the Church.

I see your marriage waxing stronger in Jesus name.

Femi Imevbore


Thursday, 22 January 2015


"Arise, Shine for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you" Isaiah 60:1 (NAS)

The words "Arise" and "Shine" are two words of command that requires a response from the person being addressed. God in this verse of scripture has commanded you to Arise, shine!

Since the word of God is our guarantee for manifestation, you will do well to take steps to Arise this year and to shine.

What are you to arise from? You are to arise from laziness, lethargy, indolence, faithlessness, immorality, perverseness and fear (lack of courage). Unless you realize that where you are right now is not God's best for you will be comfortable in your prostrate position.

Once you are determined to succeed this year 2015 and make it your goal to break loose from those habits that keeps you going round in circles, I see you shining to the glory of God.

In many instances whenever Jesus encountered people with paralysis, he usually tells them, Arise, take up your bed and go home! Anytime we respond positively to divine instructions, the supernatural power of God is unleashed to deliver the miraculous.

Stopped the blame game and bulk passing! Your destiny is encoded in God's words and you can take your destiny in your hands.

Arise and enter God's best for you this year!
Femi Imevbore

Monday, 19 January 2015



In addition to your agreement on budgeting, you must agree on making investments. You can invest on assets that will bring money to you. If you want to rely on the salaries both of you earn, you might end up living a hard life and you would not be able to achieve much.

For example, you can invest in the money market, in Treasury Bills, Fixed Deposit, Stock Market, Mutual Funds, Bonds, income generating Real Estate and anything else that has value, produces income, appreciates and has a ready market. Treasury bills are highly secured and guaranteed by Government but the income is relatively very low. Investing in the Stock Market or Capital Market is my favorite, followed by Real Estate. Multiply your money in the Stock Market and invest the proceeds in real estate because real estate is more stable.

You can invest in stocks and relax in your old age when others are still sweating it out. This kind of investment gives you the opportunity to buy into a company and share from their profit at the end of the financial year. If well managed, it is highly profitable. Both the young and the old are investing today. 

One of the richest men in the world now, Warren Buffet is an investor. Though there are conflicting stories about when he started, a story had it that he started investing at the age of 17 while some say 11 but the fact is he started investing very early in life. Nevertheless, he claimed that he started late. What about you? When are you going to start?

                          Have an aggressive investment attitude if you want a secured future. I know some retired people who still buy new cars. Why? Because of their investments which is still yielding income for them. They pay their bills and they are not depending on anybody including their children.  
 Having said that I advise that you seek an Investment Expert who will give you valuable advice about this 
subject matter.


“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my
                 house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not
 open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it” Malachi 3: 10.

Another point of agreement is in tithing. You and your spouse must agree to pay your tithe as and when due. Tithe is 10% if your income and should be paid with all sincerity and no matter how small or huge the amount is, agree to pay it. Honor God with your income so that He can partner with you. Do not rob God.

At the end of the day, you and your spouse are the ones to benefit if you make the right decisions not God.

Femi Imevbore

Friday, 16 January 2015


                                  Monthly Budget
                          One of the challenges that many people face is the temptation to spend money as they earn it. The impulse to start buying once cash is available is always there. I know a lady that collects her salary and will finish spending the entire salary in one day of shopping. This creates problems and make one live above his or her income.

                          Preparing a budget before your earn money is a smart way of ensuring you do not overspend or spend money in things that you do not need. In the home this is very essential because you will always have situations where there are many needs contending for limited resources. So you cannot afford to indulge in impulse spending.

                           Agree that you will always operate a monthly budget and be willing to jointly implement it. No matter how busy you are, try and plan your expenditure. It will help you against impulsive buying. Agree that the money you make belongs to both of you. It is not “your money” or “my money” but “our money”. It belongs to the family and because it is jointly yours, the two of you will decide on how to spend it together. It is amazing today that there are women who can give their bodies to their husband but not their monies. Also, we have some men who can give their hearts to their wives but not their pockets. If you agree that all money made belongs to the family, then, the planning won’t be difficult.

A budget is simply a statement of how to spend your income. Have a list of items you want to spend money on.  Items that must be top priority on your budget, should include for example, house rent, food, transportation, utility bills like water and electricity, education, telephone, mortgage for car or house if you have any, clothing, holiday, etc in that order. Allocate money to the relevant items you have on your budget. With experience you will perfect your funds allocation. This is your first step towards financial planning. The money for food goes to the woman. She too should have a budget for food. You may also need to include your extended family in your budget. Remember that those who fail to plan, plan to fail.

Except you adopt budgeting “your take home pay, may not take you home.” In your budget you must make provision for savings. You must allocate to saving at least 10% of your basic monthly salary. Well, if you think you cannot afford to save10%, try 5% or even 2%. The idea is just to ensure that you cultivate the habit of savings. As your income grows you can begin to save more than 10%. What do you do with your savings? You invest them; this is the key to your financial freedom.

                          Your budget should be all encompassing and you must not forget to budget for miscellaneous or exigency. Some people have the habit of excluding some vital things in their budget. Some parents for instance would not think of their children’ school fees until January. It is then they will find out that their January salaries cannot pay the school fees. That’s why so many children school fees are paid late. Make adequate preparation for it through regular savings.

Before I began to save money, I had two children in nursery school and could hardly pay their school fees as at when due. Imagine nursery school fees! But as I began to save towards it, it became easy to pay and since then, I have never delayed payment of school fees again.

If you budget your expenditure with your spouse, I see you facing less financial quarrels and having a more peaceful marriage.

   Femi Imevbore