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Wednesday, 7 January 2015


In this section, I will be addressing the importance of agreeing on money. If you have never talked about money before you got married, I assure you that you will after the wedding ceremony. So if you do not have an agreement about money before you got married, then you will have lots of debates and arguments afterwards. This section aims at pin pointing monetary issues couples need to talk about. When you discuss these issues, they will not only help you but will certainly guarantee a better home for you.

         Your marriage is more important than your wedding. You may impress the whole world with your wedding, in fact, everybody may come and “envy” you on your wedding day but it will be only you and your wife left after the wedding. Therefore, between your wedding and your marriage, which is more important?

The wedding is just for one day while marriage could last for 60 years or even a lifetime. Shouldn’t you then, be more concerned about your marriage than your wedding? The issues raised in this book will make you think ahead. Note that if you do not plan for yourself; situation will make plans for you.

             Having said that, you do not have to be enslaved by your agreements because, you might have agreed on some things before marriage only for you to discover that during the course of marriage they need to be revisited. In this case, all you need to do is to review them together. This is the essence of togetherness in marriage. You can certainly review them again and again and take fresh decisions as the need arises. Agreement does not suggest insistence on what one wants nor does it mean disagreeing on anything you do not want, even when you have a good reason to do so. It is always good to have a discussion, debate and bring out your strong points. As long as both of you are working together towards the achievement of one goal, that is,  raising a good family and neither of you has a selfish interest or motive, you will do well. 

In effect, your overall effort must be geared towards seeing both of you making progress in life.

 Femi Imevbore

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