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Monday, 12 January 2015


Agreeing on Money

The Concept of Money

                           For everyone, whether intending couples or married ones money is very vital and important to everything we do. There is scarcely anything you can do without money. If you don’t have money you won’t live comfortably and if you don’t live well you may die early. You need money to live a good life. Primarily, you need money to serve God.

I have discovered that what makes people poor is bad handling of money. When you do not handle money the way you should, you will be poor. Money comes to everybody, although the quantity that you get may be little compared to others. However, if you know how to handle the little that comes to you, you will have more money to spend in the near future. Money is too important to be ignored in the family. Therefore, we must talk about money management in the family. This issue has generated a lot of quarrels in homes in the past. In fact, there have been more quarrels in families about money than on any other issue. 

Money is a Servant
                          First, know this money is a servant to you: make up your mind that money will never separate you. Do you know that there are people who live better and harmoniously when they had little money than when they had more? When their money increased it separated them! The money they had been praying and working for came and separated them. Why? Because they allowed money to control them! Money was allowed to determine how they lived and it ultimately controlled the atmosphere in the home.

Learn the Use of Money
                          Agree that you will learn how to use money because there is a learning process to this. We must have the right attitude before we can handle money properly. If you do not have the right attitude towards monetary expenditure, you will encounter problems. Let me give you a glimpse of people who do not have the right attitude to handling money. Such people always overspend; spending well above their earnings.

What leads people to indebtedness is over spending. As long as a person overspends he or she cannot be rich. Proverbs 22:7 says that “a borrower is always a servant to the lender”. There are people today who borrow money to buy clothes. Others buy shoes, wristwatches and jewelries on credit.  Such people spend their salaries before they earn it. So one wonders how they intend to make ends meet. This is one thing you must not involve yourself in. Make the money first, and then you will be qualified to spend it.

 Femi Imevbore

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