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Thursday, 10 March 2016


"And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made." Genesis 2:2

One of the problems of working class people especially for those of us in Africa is that we never plan for vacations. The idea of going on leave is somewhat alien to us but the truth is that we all need to take a break from work and relax.

The Bible shows us clearly that even God had to take a break from work and rested. It is not just ending the day's work and going to a place of relaxation but separating oneself from the environment of work to unwind. 

In planning for a vacation, there is the need for you to choose a place where you will be completely immune from doing any form of serious work. Many times, when we are within the vicinity of our work place, there is the temptation for us to be called upon to handle one thing or the other but when we are far away, then we are just unavailable.

The truth of the matter is that I have come to discover that there is nobody that is indispensable. If you are not there the work will still go on anyway and it makes good sense to ensure that you are not the only one that can do your job in your organization.

Now lets address the issue of planning for your vacation. The first thing to do is to plan a family vacation. The idea is not just to unwind but to give your family a treat and help greater bonding in the family. 

Therefore when planning for a holiday it will be necessary to plan around the children's holiday. Secondly, it is necessary to start saving for the trip. Usually you start saving for next year's trip this year. If you are blessed and have the funds it is even more economical to book your flights on line well in advance to take advantage of the discounts that comes with early booking.

Finally it is also important to note that there are periods when flight tickets are cheaper and you can always go on line to find out what rates will be favorable to you.

Finally it is not compulsory to leave your country entirely for a holiday although I strongly recommend it for obvious reasons. You can choose to spend your holiday in some holiday resort within your country but ensure it is as far away from your work place as possible.

Be blessed.



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