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Friday, 13 March 2015


Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant. Proverbs 9:17

Recently, I came across an article on Woman'sday.com titled 12  Surprising Facts About Cheating written by Jenna Birch. While one may not agree entirely with all the findings there are two issues which for me are worth considering. I reproduce here the two findings.

"According to a Rutgers University study, 56% of men who have affairs claim to be happy in their marriages. They're largely satisfied with all they have and aren't looking for a way out, yet they still find themselves in bed with other women—and in hot water with their wives."

"An Indiana University study shows that men and women cheat at the same rate. But the reasons the sexes cheat are different. He explains women are more likely to cheat for emotional satisfaction. Online cheating—without any physical contact—is the most damaging type of infidelity. Becoming emotionally invested in another person means you've likely checked out of your marriage. But if it's just sex, it's less about attachment and more about a hurtful mistake."

What this should tell us is that infidelity is not necessarily about the absence of love but a human propensity to use sex as a way of dealing with issues whether emotional or physical. Many other studies show that there is a strong correlation between sex and power and men of power tend to be drawn towards sexual escapades.

Having said that, I must say that I am not defending infidelity or suggesting that infidelity can be excused for whatever reason. God frowns on immorality especially fornication and adultery which can be defined as having sex with someone who is not your spouse.

But truth be told, infidelity is a common reason for the breakdown of joy in the home. It is an act that connotes betrayal of trust and breaking of the marital vows you made on your wedding day. The fact that one finds sexual satisfaction with someone else creates the impression that one's spouse is inadequate and a failure. Infidelity is an act of moral failure.

From the medical point of view, casual sex and multiply partners have been shown by numerous surveys to be responsible for the spread of many STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). The prevalence of HIV/AIDS is closely related to sexual promiscuity and this has have crippling economic effect on many countries of the world.

When you cheat on your spouse, the message you send is that he or she no longer meets your needs and that you now find fulfillment outside your home. Infidelity hurts the other person more than a physical hurt could and leaves scars that may be hard to mend.

if you no longer find your sexual relationship with your spouse fulfilling, seat down and talk about it; do not sweep it under the carpet. You may seek counseling from your Pastor or experts in this area so that your sexual affinity can be restored.

Remember sex is vital to the continuous bliss a marriage will enjoy.

Be blessed.



UPCOMING EVENT #EasterLeadershipConference
Our Annual Easter Leadership Conference 2nd to 5th April, 2015
Venue: Elshaddai Covenant Church
            7, Social Club Road, Off Charity Road, Abule Egba, Lagos, Nigeria
Time: 8:30am morning session; 5pm evening session. 

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