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Thursday, 26 November 2015


Last time I highlighted the fact that many me over time change their habits, tastes and like and tried to explain that this kind of change is a natural consequence of maturity as least from the male point of view.

Having said that let us now examine whether woman change over time. As a man I am sure that obvious answer is a resounding YES. All you need to do is look at your wedding picture again and you will notice the obvious change. I am sure sure your wife is at least twice the size she was when you married her?

But it is not really from the point of view of physical change one is approaching this issue. What is of paramount interest to me in addressing a topic such as this is whether the woman's habits change over time.

I am wont to say that irrespective of what physical changes women pass through unlike the men their habits tend to remain fixated over time. Women have a propensity to be more predictable and stable over the years. I have discovered that my wife's taste and likes are very much the same after more than 25 years of marriage.

The crux of the matter is that while the man tend to alter much of his taste, the woman tends to remain fixed in hers and unless there is understanding between them this kind of inadvertent experience can pose a problem if not handled with maturity.

Many couples start their relationships having very many things in common but over time if you agree with my postulation, you discover that they tend to drift apart in their preferences and then tension sets in and before you know it there can be conflicts.

What I always advocate is dialogue. Couples must agree to always discuss their fears and anxieties with each other and bring to the front burner anything that is capable of fueling conflict in the home.

Dialogue is the key to successful conflict resolution. Anything that is swept under the carpet will turn around to haunt the marriage in future.

God bless you.


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