"Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled; but whoremongers and the adulterers God will judge." Hebrews 13:4
The problem of the definition of marriage has taken center stage in our global discuss and is responsible for what seems to drive the agitation for equality and human rights. We are no longer concerned about equality of races and sexes but the freedom to pursue our sexual proclivities.
However, the truth remains that the way God ordained marriage has become so perverted that it is difficult to find what one may term a good marriage. Statistics show that the daily rate of divorce in Britain for example is more than 47% while in Sweden the rate is higher than 54%. In sub -Sahara Africa where there are no statistics the rate may not be too far behind.
In this series I want to examine the different types of marriages that I have come to identify and to address the weaknesses and strengths if any in each of them with the hope that you will be able to relate with one or more of these types and take the necessary steps to make yours work.
In this type of marriage both parties have no time to nurture and maintain the marriage. The couple spend more time relating to third parties or outsiders than relate with each other. This immediately brings to fore the fact that every marriage needs nurturing and maintenance.
When a marriage is at its early stage you find that both partners spend a lot of time together and the level of communications is at its highest but as time goes on they begin, due to pressures of life and other commitments, to spend less and less time together.
It takes spending quality time together and talking about issues to nurture and maintain a marriage. When I was courting my wife, I discovered that she did not particularly like football while I was passionate about football and will always go to the stadium to watch a football match on Saturdays. There was a particular international match that was staged in our local stadium and I was able to convince my wife to go with me. We had so much fun that day that her perception of the game of football changed. Unfortunately over the years I have not been able to re-enact that outing or something similar to it.
The point here is that unless couples find ways of spending quality time together, that is doing what the two of you enjoy together, your marriage is likely to become a neglected one.
I know some homes where the TV decoder is tuned in such a way that the man watches the program he likes while the woman and many times the children in collaboration with their mother watch a different program concurrently sometimes in different rooms.
I counsel that couples should learn to watch TV together. You can agree on a particular program and make a "ceremony" out of it. Imagine watching an interesting soap-opera together with ice cream and pop corn and other "chew-ables" provided. These are the things that leave an indelible memory in the minds of couples and their children.
More next time.
Whao! lovely piece